Ship’s captains call it the “kindly harbor” because it affords good shelter from all winds, but this is not its only virtue. Vathy, the ideal place for a tranquil – though certainly not boring – vacation, is a traditional Ionian island settlement, unspoiled and protected since 1982.
Rebuilt from scratch, after the catastrophic earthquake in 1952, it was so named by the island’s inhabitants due to the fact that although it is on the same level as the sea, the town is surrounded by mountains and hills, which create a particularly attractive backdrop that is very easy on the eye. The harbor itself is a popular haven for yachts and small power boats. Homer called it Phorcys, after the primordial sea god, son of Pontus and Gaia, lord of all monsters of the deep. While the mountain that overlooks it to the west, he called Neritos, after the hero of the island who built the first fountain from which Odysseus’ subjects drank water…